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Black Tea vs Green Tea: Which Boosts Your Energy More?

Are you a tea lover? Having problems deciding between black tea vs green tea, which is perfect for your health? Don’t take any pressure about it. We are here to guide you. In this blog, we will provide many tips and clues that help you to decide, for one and the other.

Tea is a popular drink all over the world. There are different types of tea among them black tea and green tea are the most common and popular categories. These two types of tea originate from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis tree. They contain almost the same health benefits and features but have some differences between them.

Differences Between Black Tea and Green Tea

Differences Between Black Tea and Green Tea

In the entire world, Asia is the most well-known place for cultivating tea. This continent is the largest producer of the tea. Now, we will discuss the difference between black tea vs green tea. Let’s drive in : 

In terms of Processing

Black tea and green tea have different processing methods even though they are derived from the same type of plant. One of the most remarkable differences between black and green tea is the level of oxidation. Green tea leaves are heated immediately after harvesting to stop oxidation so that they remain a bright green color. In the case of black tea, oxidation is allowed so that leaves have a green color.

Taste and Appearance

Black tea has a reddish copper color and a strong, complex flavor. It is a full-bodied tea. Indian and Chinese black tea are somewhat different from each other, one is robust and the other is softer. It can be malty, sweet, and spicy.

Green tea’s color can be pale golden to mossy green. It has a lighter body with nutty, vegetal notes.

Where they’re grown

China and India cultivate the most black tea, especially in Assam and Darjeeling. Black tea is grown in some other Asian countries like Nepal, and Vietnam. In the case of green teas, in China and Japan, it is primarily produced.

Caffeine Levels

Another important difference between black tea and green tea is caffeine levels. Green tea contains little caffeine. Looking at black tea, we can observe that  Black tea contains a lot of caffeine. Example: A cup of black tea holds about half the amount of caffeine. However, some cases may be different like specialty black tea, and shade-grown green tea. 

Different Varietals

Although black tea and green tea are made from the same tree. But they are different in a variety. Black tea can derive from either Camellia sinensis var sinensis or Camellia sinensis var assamica in India. But green tea always originated from camellia sinensis var sinensis in China and other Asian countries.

Nutritious Elements

Green tea is more nutritious than Black tea. Green tea is high in antioxidants, polyphenols, and the amino acid L-theanine. Black tea has much nutrition but less than green tea.

Difference in Preservation

Black tea can be stored for a long time without losing its quality and taste. But in the case of green tea. It does not stay fresh for a long time. After 12 to 18 months it starts its freshness and taste.

Points of similarity between Black and Green tea

Points of similarity between Black and Green tea

Green tea and black tea have plenty of similarities despite their differences. We have discussed the differences between black and green tea. Now, Have a look at the similarity between black tea vs green tea:

  • They both originated from the same plant named Camellia sinensis var sinensis
  • Their preparation methods are almost the same
  • Both these types of tea are most popular all over the world
  • Each requires a heat finish to enhance the unique flavor
  •  These can be enjoyed both hot and cold
  • Both types of tea thrive in diverse hill regions

Health benefits of Black and green tea

There are a lot of health benefits of green and black tea. Now, we will know about it in detail. Let’s check out:

  • Lower high blood pressure: The flavonoid in black and green tea helps to maintain blood pressure levels. So, drinking tea regularly is very beneficial for the high blood pressure patients.
  • Protect against breast Cancer: Both teas act as a protector of breast cancer. By drinking Black or green tea, breast cancer risk is decreased undoubtedly
  • May Boost health function: A known stimulant is caffeine which is found in green and black tea. Those act as a stimulator for the nervous system and work for mood-enhancing neurons.
  •  Lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: By drinking black and green tea, the amount of LDL decreases which is bad cholesterol for the human body. High levels of LDL may cause strokes and Heart attacks.
  • Rich in Antioxidant EGCG: In green tea, we get huge amounts of antioxidants which help to prevent many diseases for instance: cancer, anti-fatigue, Alzheimer’s disease, calming, liver protection, and anti-microbial.
  • Contain Theaflavins: The theaflavins in black tea work against free radicals which is the reason for damaging fat cells. 

Side Effects of Green Tea

Despite it has many benefits, there are some side effects as well. Let’s know:

  • It can be harmful  for the pregnant woman
  • Liver health
  • Bone health
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Allergic problems
  • Interacted with medication
  • Stomach issues

Side Effects of Black Tea

Black tea has also some bad effects. Let’s see:

  • Increased anxiety and stress
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Diabetes
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Seizers, glaucoma, and osteoporosis
  • Dependence and withdrawal

Last note about green and black tea

These two types of green and black tea are very beneficial for the human body. Both of them offer the same potential health benefits. Which one you will choose for you mainly depends on your taste preferences and health desired goals. Each is unique in its place. Whatever tea you choose for yourself, care should be taken to drink in moderation. 

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Last modified: August 3, 2024
