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Oregano Tea: Nature’s Remedy for Better Health

benefits of oregano tea

Oregano tea is a popular and well-known name in herbal teas. It offers us a variety of health benefits with an aromatic and flavorful atmosphere. Oregano tea can be a natural and effective choice for people who want to increase immunity and develop digestion. 

It has the qualities to make dishes more delicious and give unique flavors. It’s one of the most effective features is healing/remedial properties. Now, let’s dive deeper to know more about it. 

What is Oregano?

Oregano is a blooming plant and belongs to the mint family. Significantly, French and Italians mostly use it in their cooking. Traditional Greek and Italian oregano are the most common among the different types of oregano all around the world.

To enhance flavor, it is mainly used with various kinds of food such as fish or meat, fried or toasted vegetables, salads, etc. People have been using it for their needs since ancient times. Because of its medicinal properties, it has the power to boost health and well-being. In the form of fresh, dry, or liquid, people use it.

Greek oregano is tasty and natural whereas Italian oregano is softer and spicier.

How to make Oregano Tea

What is Oregano Tea? 

Oregano tea is one kind of herbal brew that originated from the oregano plant leaves. Greek words are the source of its name, for mountain (oros) and joy (ganos). Scientifically, its other name is Origanum Vulgare. This tea is very refreshing and renewing. It is greatly popular due to its savory flavor, light color, and aromatic nature.

It is known by different names in different places for instance

  • Greek oregano
  • Italian oregano
  • Golden oregano
  • Mexican oregano
  • Spanish Thyme
  • Wild marjoram

These are the different names of oregano. Because of its potential health benefits, people enjoy it. It can improve immunity, help digestion, and relieve breathing difficulties. It is a warm drink with a bright and semisweet flavor. People can enjoy it in both hot or iced environments.

History of Oregano Tea

Due to the potential health benefits of organic oregano loose-leaf tea has been used in traditional Mediterranean and Middle Eastern medicine for thousands of years. For medicinal purposes, ancient Greeks and Romans used it for its healing properties. In ancient times, it was also used as a food additive and seasoning.

How to make Oregano Tea

At home, people can make oregano tea effortlessly by using fresh or dry oregano leaves. Now, we will explain individually how to make oregano tea using both dry and fresh leaves. Let,s start: 

In terms of using Dry Leaves:

  • Pour two cups of water into a kettle and boil it
  • In a teapot that has a filter, put three teaspoons of dry oregano leaves and allow it to soak for approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Serve the tea warm after removing the filter 
  • According to people’s interest, they can use some sweeteners or fruity liquid in case of increasing taste and then enjoy it.

In terms of using Fresh Leaves:

  • Simply, heat two cups of water until boiling 
  • The next step is the leafy oregano springs into small pieces and place them in a teapot. Then add the boiling water with them.
  • Lid the pot and leave it for around 5 minutes
  • Add your favorite flavor and enjoy it in every environment to freshen your mind and body.
Medical uses of Oregano Tea

Medical uses of Oregano Tea

From the time of the ancient Roman and Greek Empires, oregano has been used as an antiseptic. Now, we will mention some ailments that oregano is used for hailing. For Example:

  • Indigestion
  • Sore throat
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Nausea
  • Insect stings
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Lung diseases
  • Cold and cough
  • Diarrhea

Proven Benefits of Oregano Tea

Oregano tea is a great source of natural health benefit solutions. Chemicals like flavonoids and phenolic acids are related to the health benefits of Oregano. The tea that is made from the oregano herb, is unique due to its organic savory flavor. Its taste is aromatic as well as slightly bitter and strong. Let’s discuss the great benefits of it.

Oregano Tea for Weight Management:

Drinking oregano tea is an excellent way to lose weight. It plays an important role in reducing hunger and helps to increase metabolism. For a healthier lifestyle, It can be the best option for all of ages people.

Benefits for Skin Health:

One of the Special benefits of oregano tea is skin health. Developing Hydration, and elasticity, reducing wrinkles, this tea works effectively. It also protects our skin from ecological damage. Acne problem is a common issue among people. It can fight acne-causing bacteria and maintain healthy skin health.

Rich in Antioxidants: 

In oregano tea, we get the highest amount of antioxidants than other herbs that fight against cell damage and cancer.

Anti-inflammatory Properties:

The carvacrol in oregano tea is the reason for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can promote health and reduce inflammation in the body. It also works for heart diseases and diabetes.

Antimicrobial effects:

The antimicrobial feature is another special property of oregano. It can protect our body from the infection of fungal, viral, and bacterial.

Lowering Cholesterol: 

Excess cholesterol is dangerous to health and may cause heart disease. It is one kind of fat. There are two types of cholesterol in our blood such as HDL cholesterol (Good) and LDL cholesterol (Bad).  The high level of LDL cholesterol leads to stroke and cardiac disorder.

History of Oregano Tea

Side Effects of Oregano Tea

Despite the many benefits of oregano tea, it also has some side effects.

Let’s check out :

  • It is not right to take more tea than the limit in a day. That can be harmful to the human body and cause digestive problems.
  • In the case of some people, oregano tea can be the reason for allergic problems. So, you should avoid it, if you have an allergic problem with oregano.
  • It works to lower blood sugar levels which can be harmful for people who are suffering from Hypoglycemia.
  • Drinking tea during pregnancy and maternity can be harmful.

Final point

Oregano tea is the most popular herbal tea all around the world because of its natural health benefits. We have been seeing its use since ancient times. You can include it in your daily care routine if you don’t have allergic problems with them.

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Last modified: July 15, 2024
